20x20 : 682A drawing is hidden on the board. You need to discover this drawing with the help from some numbers. They represent the number of points in a given column/row. For example: 4 | 3 | 3 means that there is a block of 4 points in a given column/row, followed by at least one free field, then two more blocks of 3 points, separated by free fields. To solve the board, all points of the picture must be marked with black fields. The game is available in 2 versions. The smaller one – with a 20x20 board and the bigger one with a 25x25 board. In the game, you can mark a field as occupied (black) or as free (white). To solve the game, you do not have to mark free fields. The white/black square in the upper left corner shows whether you are going to mark the fields as free or as occupied. The mode can be changed with either the mouse (by pressing this square), or the keyboard (just press any button).