207This game is similar, where the rules are concerned, to that of the Serpent. After starting the game, a sequence of 3 consecutive blocks is displayed. Then you need to press the correct blocks in the right order. After every correct answer the next element from the sequence is shown (in case of a more difficult variant 2 elements), and so on.
51This game similar to the one called the Blink, but this one here also requires a bit of imagination. Each time a different sequence is shown, and in addition the player must recreate that sequence in reverse order. At the start a player can make 5 mistakes. Each wrongly guessed element in the sequence is one error (if you indicate the sequence element incorrectly, you go to the next one). In addition, if you completely mess up the sequence, you can go to the next one at the cost of getting one error.
We start the game with 3-element sequences. After every 5 attempts, the sequence is getting 1 element longer, so you also get a chance to make an additional mistake.